Friday, March 6, 2020

?? Tutorful Turns Three!

?? Tutorful Turns Three! Tutorful Turns Three! Happy Birthday, to us! We can’t believe Tutorful has been going for three years already and there’s so much to celebrate. In fact, over the past three years:Since starting in our two founder’s spare bedroom, Tutorful now employs 31 people...That have helped more than 100,000 learners to join Tutorful and find a tutorWho in turn have completed over 450,000 lessonsWith one of our almost 40,000 tutorsWho did such a great job they’ve had over 15,000 five-star reviews from their students!We couldn’t have achieved any of this without your support - our wonderful community of tutors, parents, and learners, so now we’d like to give something back...Paying It ForwardAs part of our birthday celebrations, we’ll be fundraising for Endeavour, an amazing charity who, for sixty years, have been supporting disadvantaged young people to achieve in their education, grow in confidence and work towards the positive future each and every one of them deserves.As well as raising funds around the office, on the 24th August, we’ll be making a donation for every lesson completed that day to aid Endeavour’s cause, to ensure they can continue to support young people, like Hadi below..Hadi's StoryHadi was referred to Endeavour after his family arrived in Sheffield as refugees from Syria. His family were lucky as they were given the opportunity to come to the UK, but local schools would not accept him and there were concerns about lost education and also his emotional health.When Hadi started at Endeavour, he really seized on the opportunity that was offered. He had aspirations to go to university and was interested in a medical related route. Focused on improving his English, Hadi was given the opportunity to sit core GCSEs; on the strength of this he achieved a place at a local sixth form college. Hadi took part an Endeavour summer programme aimed at supporting and encouraging young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to take a university route and this has really galvanised his aspirations.He has remained in touch with Endeavour, returning to help us with our rebranding on a young people's focus group, and contributing to funding bids. He has also recently joined our board to help make sure Endeavour remains a youth-led organisation.Hadi is a real Endeavour success story!How you can get involvedStudents - Whether you’re currently having lessons, or haven’t booked anything for a while, now’s the time to arrange an extra lesson for the 24th August.Tutors - If you're available on the 24th, ask your students if they can rearrange or if they'd like an extra lesson that day We truly hope you’ll join us in celebrating both our 3rd birthday, and the charitable work Endeavour is committed to.To help us donate as much as we can, make sure you're booking your upcoming lessons for 24th August!If you'd like to learn more about Endeavour and the young people they've supported over the years, please visit their website:

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